Psychiatric Problems
Corporate staff can experience psychiatric problems secondary to various life situations and personal problems. The common types of psychiatric conditions that affect corporate staff are depression, anxiety, somatisation and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In anxiety disorder the person will have an unknown fear or fear of some particular situation like making a presentation or travel. The anxiety can cause palpitation tremors, sweating and make the person lose his ability to think rationally. The anxiety can be caused by an irrational fear. In depression the person will experience lack of interest, low mood and increase or decrease in appetite and sexual drive. In obsessive-compulsive disorder the person inspite of knowing the futility, will keep repeatedly doing things like washing, hoarding useless objects, keep washing hands or be totally preoccupied with the orderliness and neatness of the place. Similarly a person can also develop symptoms of a medical illness without actually having the medical problem or be over concerned about their general physical health.